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Pictures of the finnished longboard/skateboard rack and all of its glory. One of the coolest things I think I have ever built.

Progression of the lngbrd/sktbrd rack. near completion 

Pictures below of a longboard I crafted by hand and coustom painted.

The city burned, fire lighting up the night sky.  Germany finally nuked the U.S. and it was beautiful, sitting there in the airplane looking down at what we had just done. It was like you could here the Americans blood curtaling screams from where we were 20,000 feet up in the air. When the bomb hit the ground it didn’t explode on impact.  It sunk at least 50 feet into the concrete, and then it blew up New York City in less then seconds engulfing everything in flame.


Two months later we learned that the Americans were manufacturing nuclear weaponry, and planned to use it against us so we when and dropped another bomb on America, it was more gorgeous than the first one. It hit the ground and exploded on impact. We were 20,000 feet in the air but our ears were still ringing it was so loud the sound wave shook the plane as we passed. It was insane we were unstoppable! 


Back in Germany, commander Zufilshietzen told us “Die Amerikaner haben keine Ahnung von unserer nuklearen Grundstück, um die Kontrolle von dort Land übernehmen, Die Amerikaner haben keine Ahnung von unserer nuklearen Grundstück, um die Kontrolle von dort Land übernehmen!’ Die Amerikaner müssen sterben! After those words left his mouth the whole stadium stood up and put one fist in the air and chanted, ”DEATH TO AMERICA!” 


Then the alarms sounded and the chanting came to a stop, I looked outside and saw the mushroom cloud and the explosion coming towards us. Then it hit. Then the then building went up in radioactive flame. Commander Zufilshietzen, a few soldiers, and me got in the bomb shelter and watched as our friends burned alive. Any hope of dropping the big nuke was depleted because the blast blew it up and the bomb shelter started melting and the last thing I saw was commander Zufilshietzens face being melted off. 


If I could change one thing it would be to not get in the bomb shelter because the melting steel and concrete being fused with my skin, made my death worse than hell, I know because I’m there burning forever suffocating and dying but not being able to die. Just the pain of everyone I harmed dropping bombs. So lange, sehen Sie im Jenseits.

A small story I wrote a few years back. writen in English and German.

Blue prints of the skate rack. Showing the math and angles used.

My Sponsorship Video

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